We can ship to most countries in the world.
Countries not shipped to include: South Sudan, Palestine.
Click the button on the website of each product then you can see if this product can be delivered to that destination country.

What shipping methods are offered, and what are the respective shipping times?
   We have  different shipping methods: unregistered, registered, priority line and expedited shipping.
In addition, the standard shipping can reach the majority of countries, while the priority line can reach most of the main countries,

China Warehouse:
Shipping Type Country or Region Arrive within 3-Days Arrive within 9-18 Days Arrive within 16-30 Days Arrive within 31-45 Days Average Time (Days)
Unregistered Air Mail or Registered Air Mail United States 0.52% 44.87% 49.88% 3.5% 18.13
Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France & Portugal 5.18% 43.44% 48.34% 1.17% 15
Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic 2.96% 40.34% 52.54% 3.74% 18.66
Russia 0% 4.45% 84.41% 11.1% 28
Japan, Korea 0% 21.30% 68.80% 9.66% 17.75
Brazil 0% 0% 23.91% 72.09% 38.6
Turkey 0.06% 37.75% 59.05% 3.1% 20.33
Thailand, Singapore & Malaysia 0% 40.39% 56.12% 2.6% 16.2
Other countries 0.7% 38.79% 47.94% 8.56% 23.57
Priority Line United States 12.28% 79.05% 7.4% 0.52% 11.75
Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France & Portugal 8.44% 66.56% 23.45% 0.45% 13.55
Russia 0% 3.48% 75.79% 20.04% 31
Brazil 2.21% 6% 61.29% 25.46% 30
Turkey 20.42% 77% 3% 0.08% 10
Australia 7.67% 86.60% 5.68% 0% 11
Korea 97.54% 1.57% 0.89% 0% 7
Japan 95.80% 2.09% 0% 0% 6.84
Thailand, Singapore & Malaysia 58.96% 41.04% 0% 0% 8.45
Other countries 22.33% 30.8% 27.62% 17.64% 18.65
Expedited Shipping ALL countries(EMS) 3.8% 46.8% 26% 15% 14.8
ALL countries(DHL) 65.8% 25.75% 3.86% 0.37% 6.72
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